I Find Your Lack Of Chocolate Disturbing

On This Day In History
1959: Khrushchev barred from entering Disneyland

Quote Of The Day
"Just now I was told that I could not go to Disneyland! I asked, "Why not? What is it? Do you have rocket-launching pads there?" I do not know. Just listen to what reason I was told.
"We," which means the American authorities, "cannot guarantee your security if you go there."
What is it? Is there an epidemic of cholera there or something? Or have gangsters taken over the place that can destroy me? Then what must I do? Commit suicide? ....... For me, this situation is inconceivable! I cannot find words to explain this to my people."
(Nikita Khrushchev)

Oh my, he's in a bit of a snit, isn't he? Only, just think; if the U.S. had let Khrushchev into Disneyland, perhaps the Cold War could have been averted. Perhaps Khrushchev would have been so delighted to meet Mickey Mouse, get his autograph and have a photograph taken with him that he would have abandoned the nuclear arms race right there and then. I'm certain that Khrushchev would have had a whale of a time riding on the Astro Jets in Tomorrowland.

Do you know, Russia has only fifteen theme parks! Fifteen! Really, if Khrushchev had visited Disneyland, the Theme Park Race would have replaced the Nuclear Arms Race. Russia and the U.S., as well as several other nations, would now have hundreds of theme parks. OK, North Korea's people would still be starving and impoverished, but you can have a lot more fun on a roller-coaster than you can on a missile.

Bonus On This Day In History
1967: I was born in Plymouth General Hospital. Hence the birthday cake. You can calculate my age but that is irrelevant since age is simply an arbitrary abstraction applied to eternity. I made a wish as I blew out the candles. I can't tell you what it was, of course, but there is a clue in the extra photo.

By the way, just as I believe Khrushchev would have mellowed with admission to Disneyland, so I believe fewer Jedi Knights would turn to the Dark Side if they were allowed to eat delicious cakes now and then.

May the Force be with you.

It's A Small World

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