
By DramaQueen

Everything is going tibia ok

I had my review with the consultant today; what a performance!

My appointment was at 2pm and I know from experience that I always need an X-ray before he sees me. I waited 15 minutes for instructions but none came, so I approached the nurses station and asked if I needed to go for an X-ray.
I’ve learned from past visits that it’s worth asking as twice I’ve been forgotten.

However, today I was told ‘he’s not requested an X-ray’ so to just sit and wait.
We waited. By 2.45 I’d still not been seen, so I asked how long I would be. Ordinarily, it wouldn’t be an issue and working in healthcare I fully understand that clinics run late, so it wasn’t a complaint, but I also had a physio appointment booked for 3.30!

Finally, at 3.10pm I was told ‘you need an X-ray’. Aaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!

The consultant saw me at 3.25 but the X-rays weren’t on the system, so he said to go for physio and he’d see me afterwards.
Again, from experience, I knew a cheeky shortcut so we made it just in time. Phew.

Nick the physio was happy with things, he got me going on the cross trainer again which got easier once the ankle joint had warmed up. He was a bit lost as to what else to do as neither of us knew whether the boot was ok to come off yet; that decision was still to be made after viewing the X-rays.
He did however suggest he sign me up for the weekly rehab classes which he does online as a group session. It means an hour out of my working day, but much better than taking the afternoon off to drive to Salford.
This will be on a Friday, which is my new job day, but I did warn him when he offered me the job that I would need regular time off for appointments, so I think he will be cool with that.

Back round then to see the consultant. We chatted about the wedding and our Scotland holidays (he was in the Borders the week we were away) before he gave his verdict……I can stop wearing the boot! Yaaaaay!!! He said he’s really pleased and proud with how well I’ve done, I replied ditto.

Mr A teased me for this (as he said they get paid for doing their job), but I had a mug made for my consultant as a thank you. It’s a photo of my original X-ray when I first had my accident, and the title of this blip on the other side.
I thought he was going to cry; he looked genuinely touched.
I also got a card (with a photo of me in my wedding dress, showing off the boot) to say thanks to all the team and two boxes of shortbread biscuits.
If they’re anything like dental teams, they’ll be gone in sixty seconds!

I’m seeing him again in three months and all being well, he will discharge me. That will be a nice gift, just in time for Christmas hopefully :-)

DQ x

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