Still in full ......

....... Bloom!
Lovely basket of petunias , both large and small.
Another lovely day and the sun shone all day. Hope for a good weekend too.
Daughter K rang as soon as they arrived home from holiday , will be seeing them on Sunday .
Daughter C rang at tea time , apparently granddaughter R was sent home from school earlier in the week as she had a positive flow test. Her mum has sent off 3 PPR test awaiting the results. Mean time she hasn't been allowed to go to UNI or her placement. So sad for her as there's soo much to do in this year for her.
I haven't done much today , may be it was my day off!! Well that's what I'll say any way. Nice surprise when I had my hair done , it was free ( being my 100 points reward ).
Do hope it has been a good Friday for you all.

Thoughtful ...... how fortunate we are with the weather.

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