Auntie Kay has come to stay

This morning I got left 'home alone' while Ann drove up to Newquay Airport to pick up her friend, Kay, who has come to stay for a few days. Thank God she filled up with petrol on Wednesday because she certainly wouldn't have got any today. The queues were humongous!!!

Ann & Kay took me out for lunch. We went to the 'ScroffTroff' and I have to say, I wasn't very good. I kept trying to get to the lady on the next table because what she was eating, smelt absolutely delicious. Eventually Ann put her foot on my lead to stop me moving more than 2ins so I just had to lie under the table in good dog mode.

After that I had a little walk around town. This is a photo of me & Kay at the top of the Island. After that we did a bit more trekking around and then came home via the caravan site.

…..................It all went a bit downhill after that?!!......................................

While walking through the Caravan Site, Kay spotted a sign that said, 'To the bar'. Soooooooo, we went to the bar and Kay had a whole jug of Pimms all to herself and Ann had three glasses of wine. (Photos in extras).

….................Needless to say the humans are very tired now and won't be going out anywhere this evening.

Toodles xxx

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