Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Beautiful Bird day

Large might be worth a peek, lots of lovely colours and detail.

What a beautiful early morning today. Up with the dawn chorus, brilliant blue skies and bright sunshine, I just couldn't lie in bed.

I heard the grey heron calling from the shore and the herring gulls all screeching as they swooped down for food off the prawn fishing boat. As you may know the loch shore is at the bottom of the garden so I didn't have far to go . Got to the edge of the garden in time to see the heron lift off, no blip of the heron , as usual. Then one of the canadian geese which are usually much further along the shore , and had been hiding in the reeds , also lifted off, loved the streamlined movement as it soared across the loch. Still no blip.

Gave up and had a lovely wander along the shore enjoyng the early morning sounds of the waves against the rocks and the bird song of the small birds in the bushes.

Back up to the house , left the camera inside , set off for the morning rolls and papers from the village shop when I heard the bird song in the tall trees beside the house. Looked up in vain for the song thrush which seemed to be hiding in the thicker branches but I did spot this beautiful , colourful starling , not as lovely a song but definitely much more colourful.

The garden was full of coaltits, blue tits , robins , chaffinches and wee dunnocks. All very happy tp pose . However my favourite is the starling against the blue sky.

Needless to say the blue skies didn't last long , changed to grey andtried to snow all day. just tiny flakes thank goodness.

Hope all is well with everyone.

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