Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

501 and a shadow dog

Thanks for all the stars, comments and hearts on my 500 blip day yesterday. Kind of you to take the time.

Today's blip was going to be used for my 500 until I decided on the amusement arcade version, so with a bit of a tweak it became my 501 entry. Felt a bit like cheating though so I added the shadow dog. Bargain.

Fantastic day in the most part. Icy bootcamp this morning with the wind literally whistling as it gusted around me. Brutal! But it was invigorating too in a strange kinda way. Burpees in the snow have a habit of waking you up, and I know I'd never be disciplined enough to force myself to do that had I not had someone barking orders at me.

E's teacher totally forgot to do anything about the concerns she's raised so its still totally unresolved. He's promised to remember tomorrow. Parents evening tomorrow too so I might stage a sleep if his memory lets him down again .... If only to catch up on some sleep while there's someone to watch the kids ;-)

Not too bad for a Monday. Hope the same goes for the rest of blipland

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