Handle With Care

When we moved into our current house 18 years ago we bought a new bathroom cabinet, which came with a choice of gold or silver coloured handles. We chose to use the gold one and I put the silver one - carefully wrapped to prevent scratches - in my tin of “things that might come in useful one day”. Several years passed and the bathroom was updated. A new cabinet was purchased and the old one moved out to the garage to have a new life as somewhere to keep garden tools. And still the silver handle remained in the tin.
Fast forward to lockdown last year and a chance to have a clear out in the garage. The old cabinet, now looking very scuffed - and it’s gold handle quite tarnished - made the cut. As did the silver handle, still safely wrapped up in the tin. “It’ll come in handy one day” I said, despite calls for it to be thrown away.
And today was that day. Our joiner had made us a laundry basket to fit down the side of the new fitted wardrobe, with a shelf above. The basket is on wheels so it can be pulled out to use.
Consensus of opinion from Mrs C and myself was that it was a little awkward to pull the basket out by just grabbing the edge of it. “What it needs is a handle” she said. “A-ha” I cried. “I have just the thing, that I have been saving for many years in anticipation of a situation like this”.
Duly fitted, the handle proved to be just what was required. And totally justified my hoarding of useful(?) objects for many years until the day finally arrives that they are needed.
We also came to a decision regarding the new flooring in the hall. Nothing like what we had originally planned, but it should look equally as good. And the bonus is that it should be possible to fit it at the same time as the carpets - providing it is in stock at the suppliers (and there is an HGV driver to drive the delivery lorry and fuel available to put in said lorry!!)

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