Giving our support..!

Our niece-in-law is running the London marathon on Sunday. We want to cheer her on and give our support and hopefully see her run by. This afternoon I had fun making some banners/posters. Do Google the charity Chloe is raising funds for. She and Simon lost their first baby at birth, at full term.

We donned rucksacks this morning and walked into town to do some food shopping. We need to save the petrol left in the car for next week. Maybe the situation will be better by then. Queues for fuel were the length of the high street again today with buses having to do big diversions.

As it is now October (how come!) and therefore breast cancer awareness month, please click on the link to give a free mammogram to someone who might need one.

Valerie had a first dose of radiotherapy this week, and a CT scan. These results will be through next week and the way ahead might be clearer.

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