From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

BCAM 2022…already

I kick-started my pink October BCAM with a visit to our local shop and a bag of excess vases. I have my favourites that I use and have run out of safe space for others. I browsed the book shelf as always. Can’t resist looking!

We both had our flu jabs, at great speed, and must book our next Covid ones. Sainsburys done and we headed home.

This evening Iris and I went to the 50th anniversary concert of Big Sis’s choir. They are GOOD.

Valerie’s scan results are not good. Next week she’ll be marked up for a radiotherapy session which should give pain relief. Then it could be more chemotherapy. Not the news we wanted to hear. She was miffed that having reached the stage of having hair to blow dry, she could be going back to that wig…

She is really grateful for the time, support and help the nurses on the end of the Help line are always ready to give. Her oncologist too. We pray for this week and those ahead. Often without words but believing our prayers are heard. Others here know well this journey. We remember them too.

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