Friday: Juxtaposition

For the first time in just over three weeks we have no visitors so it all feels very quiet at the moment.  We have heard from the kids who have arrived safe and sound back home.  We’re missing them but we have plans for our next get-together.

I had a productive morning in the office and then an afternoon of meetings.  I managed to forget my purse at home so K had to meet me halfway between the office and home this morning to hand it over.  It wasn’t so much money but my ID I needed so that I could get into the restaurant at lunchtime - it’s mandatory to show vaccination evidence alongside ID.  That said, the coffee shop I was in this afternoon said they didn’t need to see it.  I felt like saying, ‘oh, but you do!’.

We have totally binged ‘Love On The Spectrum’ tonight.  If there was ever a programme to make you smile, this is it.

This cut-through was between coffee-shop and office.

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