Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Of mist and stone

I had much to do today, lists of thing that must be sorted before this weekend.

Why is it that I find it difficult to apply myself when things must be done????

In the stone cold I found myself out on my bike in the middle of the Fens, what on earth was I doing? I really don't have the time for this sort of thing...

Packing for my trip, choosing an outfit for a friends wedding, getting my camera gear ready for the same wedding, washing all the stuff that falls in those two lists...jeepers!
But there I was.....staring out into the bleak dank Marsh, feeling as cold as rock...and as substantial as the mist sitting just above the ground.

The cold had the right effect on me..get home and warm up...get things done...get my head out of the clouds.....

well...back to it....maybe I will have time at some point to catch up with all the lovely people out there in Blipland........maybe....

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