Clever girls

My neighbour came over for coffee this morning and we had a great catch up on all that has happened in the last year plus. I’ve seen her to say ‘hello’ outdoors, but nothing longer. 

I had an appointment at the surgery in the village at lunchtime for a blood test, in preparation for a CT scan next Thursday. Job well done without any bruising.

We were able to chat with R by text early afternoon whilst she waited for her flight to depart for Toronto, the first leg taking 7hrs. I hope that she has had a rest as she has a 3hr wait before the next 4hr flight gets her to Calgary. 

This afternoon we went up to the park with the girls and found a couple searching for a wedding ring with a metal detector. They asked if we could have keep an eye out for it whilst walking round the field. The man had lost the ring last Saturday whilst he was looking  after it for one of the footballers who had given it to him for safekeeping. He must have been the ref or a linesman, so put it on a finger and lost it during the game.

We had walked all the way round and were about finished when Amber and Olive went tearing across the field and passed either side of the bloke with inches to spare. He stopped dead, I held my breath in case they wiped him out, he then looked down, bent down and picked up the ring. He shouted out that he had found it!!! 

What a relief. He gave it to his wife for safekeeping and phoned the owner. He thanked the girls for their help in the finding and I asked if I could take a picture of the ring!!! I couldn’t believe it !!!! 

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