Old habits…..

Today was a bit misty and although I had planned a gardening day, did some cooking whilst waiting for the sun to appear. I often joke with my sister that we could have written the cookery book ‘50 ways with mince’ but it is versatile and freezes well. So I made a few shepherd’s pies, lasagne and Bolognese for the freezer, and a lasagne for dinner. No.2 often goes home with a care package so I know he is getting some good food and MIL has now got a date for surgery so I will give her some meals for when she comes out of hospital. Unfortunately after waiting for surgery for 12 months - we shall be away when she is in hospital (last one this year!) but SIL will have to step up to the plate.

After cooking and a long chat with No1 I did get out in the garden but after five minutes it started raining. I sheltered in the greenhouse while the rain passed and managed to get a few pots of tulips planted up. Tulips and wallflowers for some spring colour but £50 quids worth of bulbs don’t go far!

In for a shower and dinner and binge watched Ridley Road - interest drama about fascism in the 1960’s.

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