
No.2 popped home to collect a few pieces of work destined for a new home. He had put off delivering them (although he had already been paid) as the recipient was in the congestion zone and he said he resented giving Sadiq fifteen quid for the congestion charge! I helped him wrap the work and cooked the boys eggs and bacon ( but found the beans still in the microwave later that afternoon!). Quick chat about ‘lost.opportunity’ and he seemed disappointed but ok - that’s life!

We didn’t have plans so after he left for London we had an impromptu visit to Canterbury- it was a lovely sunny day so we wandered where we haven’t been before and finished with an early dinner at Pizza Express. I had to smile at the table next to us ( 6 students) who spent most of their meal on their phones and shared one small pizza and 6 dough balls! Then all paid separately!

Home for a film on Netflix - true story called American Gangster - Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe - kept me awake so that’s a good recommendation!

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