The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Birthday Box

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

We went for afternoon tea at Carberry Tower out to celebrate Mary Doll’s birthday.

There were a few bits and pieces left (as we were all stuffed) and Mary Doll said she might take them home.

Bro said “I’ll ask for a box”, and then lowered his voice, and because we regress to children in the company of our parents., “…for the Jakeys.”

Mary Doll was unimpressed, “I don’t even know what that means. What are Jakeys?”

Me: “People called Jake.”

Which set off a proper giggling fit in The Prince, Bro and me.

YMP looked slightly bewildered, “it’s not even that funny.”

She’s just too young to realise that sibling cheekiness in the company of your
parents is funny at any age. You don’t grow out of it.


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