Great Day But I’ll Suffer For It Tomorrow

Saturday Sport
As a youngster Saturday was always exciting, Saturday morning cinema and afterwards a day with Mum and Dad. As I grew older Saturday’s were for playing football with Brighton Boys in the local league. As I got older still rugby, watching or playing for local teams, or travelling to an international took over.
So to today, that old familiar ‘buzz’ of excitement as I walked down to meet my club mates at Falmouth’s Watersports Centre. Our first Gig Competition, I’m not sure what I was expecting, certainly not the number of gigs there, nor the feeling of expectation amongst the dozens of gig club members milling about.
No recent competitions - The pandemic effect
A series of races, men’s, women’s and veterans before the ‘long race’ in from the Governor Buoy to the Lifeboat Station. We acquitted ourselves well, perhaps our expectations of our abilities might be a unrealistic but there is no doubting the commitment and effort.
The prize giving and few beers afterwards went some way to soothing aching muscles, especially winning a crate of Doom Bar as ‘Best Dressed’ and ‘Most Sporting’ Team.

Fish and chips for dinner, collection by Mrs S, a shower and three hours deep sleep in my armchair before making it upstairs to bed.

I feel I might pay for this tomorrow.

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