A big problem apparently

Yesterday our electricity went off at 10 am, along with another 20 nearby houses. The problem could not be identified so a generator was brought. It blew up so they sent for another from Durham. Luckily we were going to Ailie’s for supper with Chris, Katy and Colin where we had a lovely evening. When we got home we found the generator had been hooked up at 10pm. Unfortunately it was located just outside our house so the hum was not conducive to a good night’s sleep.

A lot of vans arrived around lunchtime and the occupants went off into the field with maps. This all look a few hours - now they have gone. Apparently the were a couple of big bangs underground in the field yesterday. But where? It looks like this might be a long job, so after book group tomorrow we are going to take the van off to the North York Moors for a few days.

When Mr C worked for Eastern Electricity before privatisation there was a routine maintenance programme. After privatisation the company’s first duty was to the shareholders and their profits, not to the customers, so corners had to be cut to save money. Of course this was a balance sheet exercise as when things were not maintained properly they cost a lot more to fix.

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