No Time To Die

Quite lucky to grab this shot in the cinema last night, as it was only on screen for a split second! It’s been a long wait for this Bond film, but definitely worth it. One strange thing is that I kept looking at some scenes and thinking “how did they do that under covid regulations?” before remembering that the film was completed in 2019 and it was only its release that was delayed by the pandemic.
No spoilers from me either. If you’ve seen it, you’ll know how good it is. If you’ve not seen it - then do so as a soon as you can before it disappears from cinemas.
Despite a late return to the flat after the film, I was still up and about early this morning and, as soon as it was light enough, went for a gentle 5K run along the river. Very enjoyable it was too. The rest of the morning was spent doing little jobs around the flat and just generally relaxing, before heading back to Kendal after lunch.
Where we were met by the scene of all our furniture in the bedroom - the one room we needed access to tonight! All the other rooms were in mid prep, so not at all habitable at the moment! Fortunately, we were only on a flying visit as we’re off to see Steve Hackett on his “Seconds Out, Genesis Revisited” tour. This was originally a clash of dates with Genesis themselves in Manchester, but there were still a few tickets left for tonight in Carlisle, so we will get to see the concert, albeit at the expense of paying for it twice!
And talking of expense, one piece of post waiting for me was a PCN from Manchester City Council for a bus lane violation last Saturday. I was half expecting it as the sat nav had turned us on to Oxford Road at one point, and I was fairly certain we weren’t allowed there before a certain time. Hey ho - can’t blame it on the sat nav, should have paid attention to the road signs as well, so will just have to pay up with good grace.

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