Rockin’ Robin

This little fellow has been a constant fixture in the garden today. He’s done a regular circuit of wall, bush and the bench outside the window. Can’t decide if he’s looking for a mate and is trying to impress his own reflection in the window or if he’s just fascinated by our current primitive living conditions of no central heating, garden furniture to sit on and a tv just propped in the corner.
A strange day today. Mrs C cancelled her PT session as our trainer has a cold and she didn’t want to risk coming down with it as she is due her covid booster jab on Monday. That decision removed the only reason we had for leaving the house today as I couldn’t be bothered going to the gym on my own. The cold rainy weather didn’t help either. Instead, we have just alternated between catching up on all the programmes we recorded whilst away last week, and returning to bed for a sleep and to warm up.
I know we had recorded a lot of programmes but was still surprised at how high the percentage figure on the box was. That situation did improve once we watched and deleted the half hour programme that had somehow not stopped recording at the end and had a further eleven hours(!) of content at the end of it.
After all the activity and upheaval of the last week, we probably needed a day of inactivity to recharge batteries. We will definitely be out and about at some point tomorrow and have another week with the decorators to prepare for as even the current temporary living arrangements will have to be dismantled and put away before 8am on Monday.
And, as before, I’ll keep telling myself that it’s all going to be worth it in the end. Though I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better as they haven’t even started on the bedroom yet. We may still have to spend a night away from home or sleeping on the lounge floor depending on when things like play rehearsals, band practice, etc are required.

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