Home Sweet Home

Hard though it is to tell from the picture, this is quite an improvement over what we had in place on Friday night!
For a start, I have now found the stand off the telly, so it can actually sit on the table rather than just lean against it. And some judicious juggling of the quilt cover clipped to the window has given us a reasonable amount of privacy. Still using the garden table and chair, though the addition of a cushioned cover to the latter has improved comfort levels slightly. The office chair continues to provide added entertainment value by virtue of allowing one to spin round occasionally whilst watching tv!
Sadly, now we’ve got it just so, we only have a few more hours to “enjoy” it before we have to put everything away in anticipation of the decorators returning tomorrow. At least it’s not as cold tonight, so we don’t have to huddle around the fire - in fact, the fire isn’t even on at present.
But at least it has been a reasonably normal day today. Went out for a coffee this morning and then it was play rehearsal this afternoon. With only ten days until opening night we’re at that awkward stage of knowing most of our lines and pretty much where we are supposed to stand, but not necessarily at the same time! A fairly intensive week of rehearsals ahead now so hopefully all will be right by the time we do it in front of a paying audience.
Unfortunately, all those rehearsals are in the evening which means that not only can we not go and stay in Chester, but we will have to find somewhere to go during the day so we are not in the way of the decorators. Sadly, the somewhat dismal weather forecast would tend to preclude expeditions in the Lake District.
Shopping centres, museums and coffee shops it is then. Oh, and a few visits to the gym perhaps…

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