Living in a Box

And living out of a box as well! With all the remaining furniture in the house squeezed into the bedroom, we are a bit tight for space at the moment. Most particularly, the drawers containing underwear are pretty much inaccessible. Fortunately, we packed plenty for our week away last week and that has now been laundered and is available for use again. I’m hoping that by the time we need more, some of the furniture will have returned to the rooms whence it came and we can access the chest of drawers again.
Up very early this morning to tidy away the temporary arrangements in the lounge (see yesterday’s blip) before the decorators returned. They immediately started sanding walls and creating dust. Not wishing to be left out, I said I would sand down the small patch of artexed ceiling that had been uncovered when the textured paper was removed - not least because the decorators were loath to touch it, and seemed to think we would be happy having two square feet of textured ceiling randomly in the middle of an otherwise smooth ceiling. I think I inhaled most of it and was absolutely covered in white dust by the time I’d finished. It wasn’t absolutely smooth but I’d done enough for them to agree to put on a skim of filler and some smooth lining paper.
Having reached breaking point with all the mess, we went out to the gym and did the worlds most leisurely workouts - anything to avoid returning home. When we did return home though, we were greeted by the news that the lads had been pulled off our job to go and help finish off a big contract in Lancaster. Apparently five staff had phoned in saying they thought they might have covid, so were staying off until they’d had a test. Our decorator was somewhat sceptical, implying it may be more a case of them waking up on a dark wet Monday morning after a weekend on the pop and not fancying getting up to go to work!
Whatever, work ceased straight away and thus our job slips further behind. They are still confident of finishing by Friday, but I’m afraid I don’t necessarily share that confidence!

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