Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Getting there…

I am pleased to report that the ‘Night Nurse’ medicine worked well. Gawd, it tasted AWFUL, but I suppose that’s good. I had a good sleep, with just one coughing fit, then back to sleep.

JR went off to the gym and Archie and I had a lie in, listening to someone drilling the floor in the bedroom above. Funnily enough, I didn’t find this as disturbing as many neighbourly noises, because a) I knew what it was and was expecting it,  b) it was necessary, and c) I knew when it would finish. Archie didn’t mind it either - it’s wee beeping noises that get him. And doorbells.

Later, I decided to get some fresh (very fresh) air, so, wrapped up like Eskimo Nell, I took Archie out to the ‘yard. We weren’t there for long, and I sort of couldn’t be bothered faffing around too much for a photo, but made do with this one, where he would not look up as there was a delicious smell in those leaves. But JR took him out for another, much longer walk later.

I watched a bit of T20 Cricket, which I happened to catch on Eurosport. Scotland have won two games! Sadly, I don’t have Sky, so can’t watch the matches I want to see. But not to worry - there are dozens - dozens! - of international rugby matches coming up all next month. 

Another (negative) lateral flow test today. ‘Night Nurse’ dose again tonight. Getting there…

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