Cum On Feel The Noize

It was noticeable at the last gig that I could barely hear my amp (not a problem out front as it was linked into the PA) so I decided to get the extra cab in order to enable the full 300 watts to be unleashed. I picked up the cab last Friday, but it’s had to live in my car since then due to the decorating. But with the arrival in the post this morning of the custom lead I had ordered to link the two cabs, I thought it only prudent to set it all up and give it a test.
It’s not the worlds biggest bass rig - two 1 x 10 cabs and a micro amplifier - but it sure packs a punch now, when everything is turned up to 11! You can definitely feel the air moving around when you hit a note. I shall just have to see on Saturday if it’s now loud enough for me to hear what I’m playing over the racket the others are making!
All change on the decorating front today. Initially heartened to see three people emerge from the van, only for a feeling of despair to return as two of them announced they were off to another job, leaving the new chap to carry on alone. He was briefed on where they were up to and that was it. Fortunately, as soon as the other two had disappeared, the new chap went round with me to check exactly what was left to do. And walls which had been declared “finished” were soon earmarked for further filling and finishing. In fact, by lunchtime the new chap had pretty much redone everything the other two had done in the past week! Not only that, but he had also masked off the areas not to be painted and covered furniture with dust sheets. Actions which had been conspicuous by their absence previously! And once I found out he was a fellow guitarist, it was obvious that we were going to get along fine. Let’s just hope he is now with us until the job is finished and we won’t have yet another change of painters next week!

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