
By XSworld


Observations (mine) over several days by the river indicate that the Common Blue butterfly is the most abundant butterfly species in the area at this time of the year. The others have either migrated towards the south or are hibernating! Knowing that insects have got some kind of consciousness (well it is controversial, but research seems to indicate that they do) I wonder if the fact that there are so few other insects around puzzles them! As the adult common blue butterfly only lives around 3 weeks it will not be able to base its theories of what is happening around them on their own experience..oh and based on my experience with my children it took them years to understand the concept of time and I have no reason to think that the concept of time beyond that of the nychthemeron even exists in the head of an insect! So rather than explaining the coming of winter to the butterfly that posed so nicely in front of my camera, I just wished it best of luck in passing on the genes.

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