Pied wagtail

We decided on a visit to Orgreave today. It looked very different from a couple of weeks ago when I blipped a skylark, although we did see one. There was still a fair amount of snow in places. It was slightly warmer that of late and the sun managed to break through grudgingly on a couple of occasions. There was still quite a few winter wildfowl around - wigeon, teal and goosander, but one of the more encouraging signs of spring was a flock of over 40 meadow pipits feeding in the fields around the lakes. We also saw a brown hare spring across the causeway between the 2 lakes. I didn't take my largest lens today as it was a bit too cold to be carrying it around, so this pied wagtail was really the only bird I managed to get anywhere near close enough for a half-decent shot.
The weather looks a little better for the Easter weekend. I hope everyone has a lovely time and lots of chocolate.

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