Climbing Mount Everest??? - Slightly ambitious???

As you all know................ Ann loves to have little projects/challenges to work on, but seriously; climbing 'Mount Everest' before Christmas is a bit 'challenging'. She's exhausted and we're only on day 4. Though that could be due to the amount of wine she's consumed this afternoon??!! She went out for lunch with her friends at 1pm and didn't get home till 6pm. Lol. Lol. Lol.

Ann has worked it out, that if we want to walk up 'Mount Everest' before Christmas then we will have to climb on average 500ft per day. That doesn't actually sound like a lot but we can assure you it is, unless you spend your whole life walking up hills. We don't spend our whole life walking up hills. In fact, even though Ann has spent most of 'lock down' walking miles and miles and miles with me...................... she doesn't do hills?!!

Edinburgh is built on seven hills (so that's a hill a day)..................... Blackford Hill, Braid Hills, Carlton Hill, Castle Hill, Craiglockhart Hills, Corstorphine Hill, Arthurs Seat. In theory we could walk up a different hill every day of the week for this project. But unless you're 'super fit' walking up a hill every day isn't viable.

Having said that........................ if we don't walk up a hill a day, the only other option to reach our target, is to walk up the stairs to our 4th floor flat, 17 times in one day. That's a lot of stair climbing??!!

Oh well, ho hum....................... a challenge isn't challenging unless it's a challenge. Lol!

Took the top path through the Hermitage this morning and then walked to the top of Blackford Hill.

…..................But at least we've climbed more than 500ft today. You can follow our journey on 'Instagram'.

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