Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

An old Beech tree.

The Feast Day of St. Bean, St. Cedd and St. Eata.
Our day here is Autumnal, 13c, breezy but dry and less cold.
I have been for a walk with the camera, and chatted to an old man who watched me photographing this beautiful Beech tree as he waited for a bus.
My red and white Amaryllis arrived yesterday afternoon, we planted  it and all being well, it should look beautiful around Christmas time.
The Crystal gems Advent Calendar was delivered as well, so I must store it away until December and not be tempted to explore what is inside. It can be used several times.
I reached my target weight and was pleased. Maintaining it is another story!
Thanks for recent kind comments and have a lovely day blip friends.

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