Autumn walk

Ailie called at 10. Well we’d arranged 10 but I wasn’t surprised when she rolled up at 10.15. We walked from my house and up through a field of Highland beasts. It is a right of way but the farmer tries to discourage walkers. We are not deterred by the big horns.

We headed downhill to cross the Alnwick road and clamber over the fence into Cragside. The sign says strictly no unauthorised entrance but we have cards and there was no point in going all the way back to the entrance. The path in Cragside climbs the hill parallel to the busy road and is a more pleasant walk. At the top
We emerged to take the track to Debdon and up round the woods to the moor. At the highest point the blustery rain started so we got quite wet by the time it eased off as we entered the woods behind me house. It was a pleasant 6 miles.

Back home I started a bit of new crochet which I’d ripped out three times last night - it’s a new stitch requiring concentration AND counting. I mastered it then began cooking tea. It’s quite a mishmash of courgettes (yes not quite done with them yet) roasted with feta to go on a tomato Cous Cous. I’ve had to take some salmon from the freezer as I don’t think it will be enough.

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