
Crows used to visit my birdbath with their Cheetos. The HOA (homeowners' association) told me I couldn't have this birdbath on the wall. I removed it. Then I put it back. The crows never returned to it - which I resent the HOA for - until today. 

I may make a really stupid decision and run for the HOA under a, "if you want something done right" concept.  

The sun was still out today and the gorgeous colors of the leaves are really mind-blowing when the sun shines through them. 

The International Energy Agency released its annual report, World Energy Outlook. The IEA said Russia started an energy war and will lose it. Russia will never go back to fossil fuel exports at the levels they used to have. Its share of the international gas trade will fall by half. 

Putin considered Anatoly Sobchak, former mayor of St. Petersburg, his political mentor. They worked together after the Soviet Union collapsed. His daughter is Ksenia Sobchak. She technically ran against Putin in 2018 but got no votes and some said her running was a sham to make it look like Russia had democracy. She took part in anti-Kremlin protests in 2012. She protested the invasion of Ukraine. She fled Russia and is now safely in Lithuania. 

According to a poll by Levada Center only a third of Russians support the war now. 57% back negotiations, up from 48% a month ago. Support for peace is highest among the age group most likely to be sent to war and lowest among those 55 and older. 

The US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said there is no indication that Putin has decided to use a dirty bomb. Putin said there was no point in making a nuclear strike on Ukraine. 

The number of Russian missile attacks has fallen by almost two-thirds since Oct 19. Ukraine downed nearly half of the 52 missiles Russia fired in the last seven days. (They fired 146 in the seven days before that.) Drone attacks are also done with Ukraine shooting down 79% of the 114 drones. 

Spain will give Ukraine four "Hawk air defense systems." They will help protect Ukraine from missiles and drones.

Australia will join other countries in providing training to Ukrainian soldiers. In addition, they will provide four-wheel drive armored vehicles called "Bushmasters." 


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