Raining Cats and Bells

We thought we’d try a small top today and the only small top left without boating through the flooded roads was Catbells. It’s years since I’ve been up there and never this direction. It was also possibly my first hill at something around the age of seven.

We chose a sheltered ascent where it was so still and warm, we welcomed the breeze we started feeling near the top. It was the short way up from Manesty that we took in order that the gusting wind and curtains of rain would be on our backs as we walked along the ridge.

For what should have been one of the busiest hills in The Lakes on half term, we again found ourselves with time on our own at the top. There were a few people about, keen to check whether the top was do-able. We realised why they were asking as they’d walked a long way of the ridge into a fierce and jostling headwind, way stronger  than the top. We were glad of it on our backs but just had to take care on the wet, shiny knolls getting off.

We could see over flooded Newlands and to the shadowy outlines of Causey Pike and Grisedale Pike so the cloud was still high. We’ve definitely had much worse visibility in much better weather!  We stayed remarkably dry in the torrential rain and probably, therefore, chipper - enjoying the views, the changing colours of the trees and the frog (he, like us, was in his element).

Chatting was not going to happen much once we turned into the rain but we were again in the wind shadow so it was light. The balcony walk back was picturesque and the water teeming off the hillside beside us was impressive.

We walked straight into the drying room and pulled off our hoods with a sigh of relief. Another unexpectedly good adventure.

Hopefully, the flood damage is minimal and the rain begins to ease off enough for no further problems to homes and businesses.

Now to while away the afternoon ready for a very similar agenda to last night’s. That’ll do perfectly!

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