thorough soaking!

It rained today, all day, all over the world, and all the dogs were sad. 
Apparently, this is an exaggeration. There are places where it rained yesterday but not today. 

These are at the house that has more flowers than my other neighbors and they had a flag behind it. Poor wet Sam is in the extras. 

That said, there were many wonderful things about today. 
- despite the rain, my crow friend came by, repeatedly, asking for Cheetos
- I watched sparrows play tug of war with a Cheeto
- a squirrel came all the way over just to get her share
- I learned about the upcoming energy crisis
- I learned the idiom, "do your nut"
- tookie's brother asked for pictures and information about the tree that may or may not fall over and crush us all
- I have a dramatic design for a garden!! It has colors and variations of height and surprises including native flowers that I recognize thanks to the wildflower challenge. I'm giddy. I'm dazzled. It is dizzying. There is so much variation and continuity. Flowers from February through July. Pink, white, lavender, purple, probably yellow once I've gotten little daffodils and more crocus. There are orange crocuses. There are 80 different species of crocus (in existence, not in the garden). Evergreens so it will be interesting to look at even in winter. 

This will be such a wonderful weekend. We got a thorough soaking today but this weekend will be dry. I'll buy compost and additional plants and bulbs and mulch and a bulb planter since I'm going to plant so many. 

The little plant I brought from T's house is a Jack Frost Brunnera which feels like an ox tongue. It will have blue flowers! 

While we are discussing plants, can you believe there is a hosta named Shadow Seducer? I did not see the name before buying it, I just thought it looked like some I already had and therefore would help bring continuity throughout the beds. 

I already enjoy wildlife in my yard. Imagine a year from now. 

"Thank you" doesn't cover it and I'm too old to offer to have her baby. Well, I guess I can offer but 

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