Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick

No. 3

Inspired by Bittersweet's pictures of Hayling Island I ventured further east today and went exploring.

It seems Bittersweet was on the same stretch of beach too but our paths didn't cross. She is one of the few Blippers I have met in person so I would have recognised her. Either that or she ducked behind a bush when she saw me coming :-)

Having only ever having been to Hayling Island a handful of times, I really didn't know what to expect but then I came across some miniature train tracks along the beach. I took a few pictures looking down the tracks and began to get so engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't actually hear the train approaching behind me. Fortunately as it was only travelling at about 1/2 mph I managed to get out the way in time...aided by the almighty warning blast of the horn from the driver!

I followed the train tracks back to the station and took a round of pictures of the guys doing 'train type stuff' and then sat poised, ready and waiting for the train to come back along the tracks. The result being today's Blip.

Hope you're having a good day off work...I'm not back till next Thursday so happy days :-)

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