
By Madchickenwoman

Turned out nice!

Today was a trip to Bude to get Oscar's heart checked out. It was torrential rain on the drive there but when we arrived the sun came out! I waited whilst the vet checked Oscar over - he heard the murmur so a full range of scans under sedation was required. I decided to head for the beach!
I'd never been to Bude before and what a lovely place it is! The beach was packed with dogs and surfers and had beach huts! I love beach huts! Such a shame that for the present there is no way I could let Oscar off the lead to play like all the other dogs - he would chase everything! 
I took photos of the surfers and had a banana and protein bar whilst i sat on the rocks below the beach huts.I then made my way over a lock to walk along the edge of the sea  to a stoned walkway and a lookout point. I was fascinated by the sea foam in a channel. When the sea rushed in it undulated and when the wind caught it bits of  foam were blown up into the air! I was told by a friend that foam in rivers is caused by the the substances in fallen leaves. I googled this and sea foam is caused by the same - dissolved organic matter agitated by the wind and waves! 
Onmy way back to the vets I found a glass shop and bought myself a lovely piece of flat glass with the drawing of a bare tree whose branches were bent to the right. I had seen many of these on my drive to Bude so it seemed an apt thing to buy, along with a blue flat glass heart!
Once back at the vets I waited in my car for the vets call. I had time to have some Ginger tea from my flask and a snack before he called. Oscar has a murmur in his left ventricle and leakage from valves in his  right atrium. Neither are severe so just another check up in a years time. £356 thank you very much!! He is going to see if there is info on the breed but given their small numbers he thinks it's unlikely. He did say big dogs with big hearts tend to have such problems. 
So all in all a lovely day out! But Oscar is a bit irritated with his shaven tummy! But he was very well behaved at the vets apparently! 

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