
By Beewriter

No Fat Ladies!!

The sun was shining, it was a lovely day, I thought I would go somewhere different to take some pics. After swimming, in an empty pool...of people, not water...I tried to decide where to go. Dunham Massey? Tatton? Chester? I had lots of ideas but couldn't decide. I sent a text to Pat to see if she fancied an adventure by the sea but she was playing golf. I ummed and ahhhed all morning and ended up just reading then nipping to the Trafford Centre to buy some new shoes.

I'm going into town to the Radisson for champagne afternoon tea tomorrow and I want to wear my new dress and I didn't have any shoes. I hope I can walk round town in heels. I think it will be sore feet tomorrow night :(

The Traff was heaving but I found a great parking spot and was in and out in half an hour. I bought a very naughty vanilla slice in Selfridges and called at Pat's on the way home and shared it, so I was only half naughty.

I had a bit of a drive round Eccles to take some pics. I wished two fat ladies had walked past this building it would have been the perfect pic. I waited around for a bit but I was parked on double yellows so this was it. I might set it up one day though.

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