The day to start is today

By Traci

I intend to live forever

so far so good.

I appear to have a bit of a collection building here. They are all mine although a few are n the process of being personalised with various outfits to then go to their new homes. But the fact they are all sat a round in my dining room needs to be sorted out.

Red jumper bear is Sunny my Rainbow bear who comes along to our meetings every week and helps some of the newer girls join in the different things that we do. She is extreemely good at making the girls feel part of the team and listens very well when they need to tell her they are a little nervous.

Yellow glasss bear is Bigsby, he is reporter for the Somerset County Website and it is his job to remind me to take notes and meet the youngsters I go to see on my unit visits. He has got a little outfit but is having a couple of badges sewn on his jumper.

My easter challenge to myself with a glorious two week break is to remove one bag of 'rubbish' every day for 14 days. I have made a start in the dining room today and already have two. Mostly paper to recycle and a very good start. I may start on my wardrobe tomorrow for a bit of a charity shop donation.

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