
Another very productive day. The Jedi was awake near 4.30am and wouldn't go back over. So he went down for his nap when the boys and Harp left. I got a couple of the floors steamed. 

Carson had fun when we went out. He doesn't walk. He just runs everywhere so I'm quite pleased with this photo. He loves being outside. 

I got a date for my MRI. It's in December. Nana and grandad can't do childcare that day so I'm waiting to see if my twin can have the Wildlings for the day. If not I'll phone and reschedule. I'm trying to not take as many painkillers through the day as I can't stand taking pills. 

The big wildlings came home from school talking about a bonfire party which is being held tomorrow. I don't want to take them. Fireworks are too noisy for Xander and I know he will freak out and plus I don't like fireworks. All those poor animals getting scared. If only they could be silent. I do have some sparklers that I will put in carrots so it's more safe for the Wildlings. 

I'm hoping for a early night tonight. 

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