Sick day

Well the Jedi had s awful night and then was awake at 4am. I brought him downstairs with me and just cuddled him. 

I decided to call the doctors the minute it opened. I feel that since he had a tick on him overnight 4months ago he seems to get unwell every 2 to 3 weeks with a high temperature and moans when he's getting changed. He can't tell me what's wrong but I'm assuming when I'm touching his legs etc they hurt. The doctor agrees that he's getting ill too often  ( it's not like he's in nursery every day picking up germs ). Anyway he wrote me a prescription for antibiotics I've never heard of and is contacting paediatrics to arrange for blood test's for Lymes and anything else to check.  He did tell me the antibiotics could make him sick. 

Harp has been a great help with looking after him. She enjoyed going on the bus. I had to wrestle him when I got home to get the antibiotics into him. ( he managed to kick my bad arm in the process.  ) he hadn't even had them in his system 5 minutes when he projectile vomited over both me and Harp. I've never seen her strip her clothes of as fast as she did. Bless though she gave him a cuddle after.  
He's had 3 naps today so I got on with tidying out the kitchen cupboards.  
I promised Harp that when my new coffee machine arrived I would make her a frothy hot chocolate like Costa. That's my cappuccino in the photo.  I have to practice more , but it was tasty. 

The boys had a really good day at school.  They're glad it's the weekend.  

Mr R is away today so the big boys and myself will have a Chinese for dinner, harp will have her pasta as she is very routine with food , and the jedi isn't eating anything.  He is now walking around with another small shiny apple , " look at the giant cherry mummy, it's shiny ". Thank goodness for calpol 

Happy weekend.  X 

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