Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


No prizes for guessing where we were today. We had various errands to do in Edinburgh, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to visit New Hopetoun Gardens near South Queensferry. It's the only place I know of where I can recycle plastic plant pots and trays, and had a sackful to get rid of. I think they breed in the potting shed. Of course I came home with several more, filled with little treasures ...

It was a stunningly bright day, and the Bridges too close not to head for the river. The first extra has all three in it. The second shows another relic of Victoria's reign (not TM!).  And the main is taken from Hawes Pier, where in my far off childhood days we could take the ferry over the river, no road crossings then. If we went by train, the window had to be opened as we approached the middle of the bridge, and a penny hurled into the river for luck!

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