Bubbly Beauties

A quick dash round the local shops to get some books for Asha and a couple of bits (and a lovely bump into my cousin's wife, Kimi!)...also bumped into the owner of what used to be my local pub, The Station! 
My Aunt and Uncle were amazing and drove all the way up from Bournemouth so we could have lunch together. I've not seen them since 2019. They were booked to come stay in Ibiza but Covid put paid to that. They're a bit like second parents to me and I love them hugely. It was so brilliant to go to a lovely little French place nearby, eat good food, drink good wine, and have lots of laughter! Then home for coffee, cake etc etc... A lovely extra was my cousin (not son of the bournemouth contingent!) popping round with Kimi and his daughter Amie...plus a neighbour from up the road, Joy. A day of wonderful people!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Anth and Trev making such a big effort to see me.
2) Getting Asha a couple of books I've been wanting for her.
3) Caña Club making a huge effort for Mitch's birthday (today)...including gifts, cake etc etc...

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