jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Our little Bear has been pushing himself again today. The BIG kids climbing frame. He saw the ladder. He was determined. He went up, and down, and up, and down, and up - and onto the platform, and down the slide with the BIGgest smile of achievement on his face! Around and around he went, so pleased with himself.

We went to the garden centre today with mum, after yesterday with me and the Bean wanting to kill each other (well, bickering lots) we figured we'd best get out of the house. Quick. So, garden centre, looked at the animals, watched the crabs eating their lunch, obsessed over a lobster, admired the koi, went for chocolate cake. And lunch. And, satisfyingly, everything got eaten! Then played in the playground for a bit until our noses started really streaming with the cold.

We drove home via Steyning. The initial aim was to let the Bear fall asleep because he was REALLY tired by this point, but then I realised I'd not driven through the village and over the hill in such a long time and it was a real treat!

The Bear went back to sleep on me for a good long nap when we got home, which pleased the Bean because he was looking forward to playing with the lego. He decided to take one of his models apart completely, and re-build it following the instructions by himself. I am super-proud of him. He managed. It wasn't completely right first time, but he realised he had gone wrong somewhere, and went back and studied the instructions and his model to figure out what he'd done, and then fixed it. With only the tiniest bit of assistance from mum. Really impressed! Bear woke up and joined in, I figured as long as he and the lego were kept contained in the living room it would be ok. (Our biggest issue with lego is not the eating of it, but the scattering and dropping between floorboards...)

Dinner of chicken fried rice. Another meal eaten up completely. I've had so many meals rejected by the Bear recently that to see him asking for THIRDS made my heart glad! Bean had cereal :( ah well. Followed by icecream (chocolate icecream is made somehow even more delicious with the addition of natural yoghurt!) to everyone's delight.

I had to recite the story of the Gruffalo at bedtime. I can't remember a particular bit near the end though, I'm going to have to read it again! Bean has an amazing ability to simply switch off when his world is all correct. Amazing.

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