jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Easter Sunday

"He is not here, He has risen!" I rolled the stone from our Easter Garden tomb last thing last night, put some folded "grave clothes" in, and an angel in the doorway. Bean was suitably impressed this morning although he pulled me up on my re-enactment because there were supposed to be TWO angels in ths tomb on the Sunday morning. I apologised and pointed out that I could only fit one in. It wasn't long before velociraptor joined the party. Egg and cress sandwiches and home cut and cooked chips for lunch tomorrow...

Took the boys to church by themselves this morning. Really odd to be there by myself, and as a result didn't hang around much afterwards. Bean made a sugary version of the resurrection garden in Sparklers, out of a donut and an oreo, stuck into some green icing with mini eggs as rocks. Very sugary. He enjoyed the donut when he got home. Bear had the oreo and I got the eggs - win all round there!

I'd promised them lunch by the sea after church, the hope being that the Bear would fall asleep in the wrap and sleep over lunch. I love it when a plan comes together ;-) I had insulin before we set off. He fell asleep in the wrap. We ate at my favourite chippy near the sea, clean plates again, said hello to the sea (I said "hello sea!" and then to Bean "can we go now, I'm freezing.." he said "no, not yet.. hello sea! Ok we can go now, come on I'm really cold!") while Grandma was taking pictures, then left Grandma taking more pictures while we started off home. Via the cafe with the cakes. And then the playpark. Bean was happy. He's had his outdoors tank filled today.

Meanwhile back at the ranch the wallpaper in the living room is being removed. Satisfying. Bear wants to help. Grandad is filling holes. Bear sniffed out the open bag of plaster and investigated!! Haha. He has got into some mischief this afternoon investigating things.

Opened half the Easter delivery from Steve's family once home (so rainbow biscuits will have to wait yet another day!) and are now stocked to the gills with chocolate. We demolished a yummy chocolate Gruffalo between us and discovered Bear does not have as sweet a tooth as Bean and me. The rest of the chocolate is put away, hopefully we will manage to save some for when daddy gets home. The rest of the presents can wait til tomorrow!

Sausage casserole for dinner. Bear possibly ate more sausage than any of us. Bean finally was persuaded to eat. He was soooo tired by this point. Glad they're in bed asleep now. Am going to get myself a big intensitoddy (made with sloe gim this time. Big yum!) and take myself off to bed with my crochet. The lurgy is doing its best to grind me down. It Shall Not Beat Me.

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