Tired boy

More lifeonthesofa here...

Slow morning this mornings. The mornings are very definitely getting slower as the week goes on - the domestic goddess crown is very much on at a bit of a wonk now. Still, pleased that I managed to get nappies out on the washing line to dry in the sunshine for a change!

Off out to the doctors for a blood test (me) today, the boys had to come with me and typically Charley didn't fall asleep on the way so I ended up giving him a boob to get him to stop wriggling (he was in the wrap) and Ben played under a chair just outside the broom cupbard that the poor nurse had been shoehorned into while I had blood taken. Charley bless him apparently (I say apparently, I had my eyes closed) looked up with a proper look of concern on his face when the needle went in. Gave me a smile when I opened my eyes. Evidently the needles from yesterday were still fresh in his mind.

Home for a quick lunch and then off out to Ede's house where Ben bounced lots and ran around lots and gace off very strong signs that he is going to be a bike person (as in, motorbike) rather than a car person. Better steel myself for that.

And then home, to make home-made chips and sausage casserole before taking two very tired boys up to bed.

Never thought I'd have children who practically begged to go to bed!!

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