Everyday I Write the Book

Other titles suggested themselves but that song has been playing quite a bit on Radio 2 recently - a rather excellent version especially recorded by Elvis Costello for the Ken Bruce show - and it’s stuck in my brain!
But today was my first visit to the library to borrow some books in almost two years. Pre-pandemic, I’d visit the library on a regular basis as I am a voracious reader. Obviously, that wasn’t possible during the various lockdowns and I had to resort to re-reading what I had on the shelves, along with what I could find at car boot sales and in supermarkets. And finally, this morning, I reached the point whereby I had read all the printed matter in our house, at least once, so a trip to the library was called for.
To be honest, apart from the shelves being a bit further apart it didn’t seem much different from a couple of years ago. Still the same group of - let’s call them quirky - individuals huddled over the computers and still the same vicious OAPs who will happily stab you with their umbrellas if you come between them and the book they are after!
And the main thing that hasn’t changed is that they had none of the books I was actually hoping to borrow! Anything by a popular author, it’s always a bit of pot luck as to whether it’s on the shelves, and some of the other books I was after might be too recently published to have filtered down to library level just yet. Still, after a second tour of the shelves I did manage to find a few books that should keep me going for a while. An eclectic mix of humour, autobiography and crime thriller will provide the variety I like in my reading matter.
And when a visit to the library is the high point of the day, you can tell it’s been a bit of a slow day. An unremittingly grey and drizzly day weather wise, and the only other “attraction” was bringing some accounts up to date and starting Mum’s tax return. I sometimes wonder how I cope with this frenetic rock’n’roll lifestyle!

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