Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Magical Mayfield

Mauzee and I decided it was time to fly the coop today and on the spur of the moment headed out to Mayfield Garden (near Oberon).  Thanks to 59 alerting us to the fact the the Gardens were open to the public all this week.  It was the perfect day for it.  The drive out to the venue was spectacular today - a bright blue sky against the backdrop of verdant green pastures.  The recent rain had a lot to do with that, I’m sure.
After a delicious lunch at the cafe on sight we ventured off.  I have visited the Gardens on approximately five occasions now but without a doubt today was the best I have ever seen them.  The maples in particular were sensational as were the water lilies (see extra).  We gave MiniMo a run today and I think she enjoyed the outing as well :)

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