
By nicky

Llanberis Pass

The cottage we're staying in is at Nant Peris, up a very rough track which nearly grounded the car as I drove up it last night - not what I needed at that point! But a beautiful setting - this is the view from just outside (extra is the cottage itself).

I phoned the RAC at 9am (luckily my brother had VOIP calling on his phone because there was no phone signal at the cottage) and was told it would be about 2 hours before a patrol would arrive, so we started the jigsaw while we waited. By lunchtime, there was still no sign so the others all went off for a local walk while I waited for further news. Eventually, a patrol came at about 5pm - this is the problem with breaking down somewhere where you're safe! Anyway, the car needed to be towed home - the timing chain was the problem - and I'll need to get a hire car to drive back. More phone calls and it was all arranged. I hate to think how much this is going to cost but I'll worry about that later.

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