Early start

I have been full of cold for the last few days, not Covid just annoying head cold. I woke up early and craved some fresh air as the house seemed stuffy. No. 1 was going into the office so said she would phone en route so I walked while she chatted. Picture taken walking past the horse field. Home for shower then off to get my eyebrows done (marvel brows) and a trip to the outlet centre. Not been for a while and I had only bought a Pyrex mixing bowl after an hour! A quick stop for a cup of tea then I ventured into one of the sports shops and bought some overpriced (but discounted) bits for Christmas presents. No1 likes to run so I bought her a fluorescent top, No2 doesn’t really do any exercise but likes joggers to wear round the house. I have promised myself I won’t but them too much this year ……. Difficult not to. I popped into Asda while out and vowed to come back again - lots of bargains including bottles of Whitley Neill gin (raspberry and orange) so that’s two more presents sorted!

Third stop to hobby craft to buy more wool for current crafting project - it’s looking good, pictures when it’s finished.

Busy day but my new strategy is to cram several things in one day and then have more ‘free’ days. OH home from London lunch by six - so cheese and biscuits for him and one of my special salads for me ( grains, halloumi, pomegranate, salad leaves, roasted squash) yummy!

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