Titley Times

By racheltitley

Bursting out!

Today started bright (and with an hours less sleep) and we were out to do our sponsored 10k walk.

Eldest had asked for help to raise funds for Alek's Dream to Walk his 'Twinie' born on the same day, in the same hospital and lived on the same road.

Lots have people have been generous, especially wonderful when they have never met Alek and money is tighter for so many people these days. Eldest is happy to help his friend and we've raised at least £70 in actual donations, plus online giving. Surprisingly the boys didn't moan or bicker or mess about on the walk either - shows they can do it when it matters.

I'm very proud of them today - if only it meant they were just a little bit tired, but instead it seemed to send them into over drive. They were hyper when we got to grandma and grandads for our annual Easter egg hunt (apparently the best one ever)

I needed a nap when we got home even if the boys didn't!

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