
Everyone in the US became eligible for a booster shot Friday afternoon. I got mine today. It compensates for how inept I felt when my friends in other states were bragging about their teenagers getting vaccinated and I hadn't successfully gotten even my first! 

Six months ago when I got my second vaccine I cried while driving home. You may remember that I said when you release that much stress, all at once, there are two possible reactions. 

I chose better this time. 

Back then most of us would take whatever we could get, but we had a wee preference for Pfizer because the numbers suggested it was a tad more effective with slightly fewer incidents of side effects. 

Now the research indicates that you get a bigger boost if you take a third vaccine that is different from the first two. 

The line at the clinic for Moderna was long and they kept asking if anyone was there for Pfizer. 

The whole process worked much better than before, when my county was doing things so badly we were on 60 Minutes and I drove an hour away to get mine. This time I went online, searched for how to get one, and had an appointment within minutes. 

I hope that there is an organized effort to get other adults, the ones who can't readily get themselves to a clinic, their boosters.

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