
By Grammy

‘Tis the Season

Sunny but chilly, below freezing early on. Sometimes, a small glass of wine can bring a good night’s sleep. Since hubby has been taking pain meds, we have not had wine for weeks. Last night, he decided it might be time for one glass. We both had medical appointments today and got great reports. Hubby picked up my non-perishable grocery
order and I grabbed last minute ingredients for a WV breakfast casserole. As you can see from the collage, the holiday season has begun. I counted tonight and with our large family, I purchase gifts for 37 folks. That’s why I use spreadsheets and sort gifts in copy paper boxes. It keeps me sane. Most gifts are boringly practical but I prefer to to give folks what they need. Two of my children and their families still enjoy getting small items in their stocking. And they want them wrapped. It is just one of several traditions we enjoy. Now, somehow, I have to get everything wrapped. I always look forward to seeing these old fashioned Christmas candies in the grocery stores. It reminds me of Christmas at my grandmother’s where we got these special treats once a year. It is also the time for helping others. Some our packages were erroneously delivered to my neighbor’s porch. Parker came over on his four wheeler and brought the heavy one inside for us. These visits lead to some great one on one chats about what’s important in life. I only hope my grands remember our conversations. It’s the start of a very long weekend in the U.S. We will be gathering with family to give thanks for all our blessings. Friday, our celebration continues for Mancil’s 16th birthday. Then we will head to WV to keep the festivities alive, sharing time together with my sister and BIL. Be safe out there folks. The traffic promises to be horrendous. Thanks for dropping by. "For Christmas is tradition time — traditions that recall the precious memories down the years, the sameness of them all." — Helen Lowrie Marshall

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