Storm Arwen

A dull day, gale force 10 winds, pouring down all morning, drier afternoon, and now snow showers at night.

Day off, and didn't want to get out of bed, I finally did though.  A morning puttering about the house, poor Sammy didn't even want to go out.  Popped by Madeline's before lunch.  A run in the car in the afternoon.  Mam, Laura and Elise came by for a cuppa.  Working in the shop this evening.  I always shave my own head, but today I stupidly took a chunk out with the lowest guard! Typical, bald head on the coldest night of winter so far!! 

Storm Arwen struck the isles early this morning, with winds certainly 50mph plus.  We've escaped the worst, as it heads to Orkney and mainland UK.  If it hadn't been so wet, I would have had clothes out on the line.  The rain put me off venturing off the beaten track, but I did spy Ronas Hill covered in snow.  Down at sea level, the wind chill was -4, wonder how fast and cold the winds were up there at 450m?  Calmer weekend expected, bringing more snow.  We can safely say, winter is here.  Looking to Ronas Hill, from Valladale, Urafirth, Northmavine.  

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